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Father's Day Pictionary

Looking for a fun bonding experience with Dad this weekend? Then how about a little cake Pictionary? It's easy! Here, I'll get you started.

Is this:

A) A sofa

B) A ball cap


C) Worth $3.99

The answer, of course, is D.

See? Easy!

Ok, your turn.

Is this:

A) An exploding cup of hot chocolate

B) A golf bag


C) An appropriate use of an ellipsis

("Aaand the results are in! Happy Father's Day... Bobby! That means Carlos, Jimmy, Leon, Billy, Brad and Tony are NOT the fathers!"



Okay, now here's a tough one. Prepare for multiple multiple choices!

Is this:

A) A chubby bearded pirate with a missing foot sitting on a stack of marshmallows

B) Santa's love handles

C) The Hamburgler, turned inside out

D) Pretty much anything except a grill


E) Still more appetizing than this:

Ok, so maybe that wasn't so hard, after all.

Thanks to Sarah J., Amnesty, Kimberly M., & Rachel M. for playing!


Please tell me in the comments, because I have no friggin' idea.

Thank you.

Dad's Birthday Presents

Father's Day is this weekend, so today I thought we'd celebrate the most important thing our dads ever gave us:


Yep, nothing livened up our childhoods quite like Dad's special birthday balloons, am I right?

And, sure, they weren't always perfect. Sometimes they were a bit small:

Or a bit big:

Or even shaped a bit wonky:

Sometimes they'd get lost on their way to the party:

Or they weren't durable enough to last once they got there:

Sometimes dad's balloons didn't seem to know if they were coming or going!

But the important thing to remember is that, in the end, dads' balloons always got the job done.

Score three for Dad!

Thanks to Kathleen, Jess, Jamie, Pontmarie, Pat S., Denise C., Kevin C., & Julie C. for the beautiful "balloons."

Wreck-A-Bye Baby

Sometimes I like to think this blog might have a positive influence on current baking trends. (Oh, stop laughing. A girl can dream.) So, what do you say we mosey on over to a few of our nation's baby showers and see how things are going?


I mean, sure, "beby" is misspelled, and there's a giant funky headboard thing happening, and the doll is staring at me all creepy-like, but the baby itself is not edible. That's progress, people!

Hey, a lot of those letters are right.

In fact - and feel free to correct me here if I'm wrong - I think "cohgrautions" may be the Canadian spelling.

You might be wondering how many tracts of land they had to search to find these two peas in a pod, or why the baker didn't make the "peas" green. That said, it's not a pregnant torso cake.

Plus it makes me want to start singing "Keep Walking" by the French Peas, so that's a "win" all 'round.

This next one may cause a bit of a flap, but I'll have no truck with such negativity:

After all, nothing drives home the beauty of motherhood quite like a pregnant mudflap girl. Eh? Eh? Am I right?

Well, my friends, I think I've made my point: baby shower cakes are getting better! And all because of me! ME, I SAY!! BWAHAHAHAAA!!





[blink blink]


Back to business as usual, then?

Thanks to Sose K., Krista M., Susan M., Bob S., & Carly A. for dashing my dreams. You cruel, cruel wreckporters, you.

Sunday Sweets: Summer Lovin'

While it's been well over three hundred degrees in the shade here in Florida since, well, the last Ice Age, I think we've finally reached a point on the calendar where we can *all* agree it is, in fact, Summer. So...

Bring on the Summer Sweets!!

Woohoo! Beach pail cupcakes? Now THAT is what I'm talking about.
(Yes, really; they're cupcakes!)

Or how about this fun Tiki party?

Such a great grad cake.

Proper summertime attire is essential, of course:

Submitted by Beth B. and made by Art by Vanessa

Those flip-flops look pillowy soft - and delicious.

And what's summer without your favorite Hawaiian shirt?

Submitted by Maryanne S. and made by Blackmarket Bakery

Love the colors.

Of course, beachy summer cakes can be elegant, too. Just look at this gorgeous wedding cake:

By Betty's Sugar Dreams

(Even the netting is edible; it's made from flexible icing!)

Or this one:

Photo by MB3 Photography; baker unknown. Anyone recognize it?

Ack! Seahorses! I LOVE SEAHORSES. And these are gorgeous - so delicately done.

These cookies make me want to melt:

Submitted by Sarah K. and made by Nicole of Life's a Batch

And also maybe have a piña colada. On the beach. In Grand Cayman. Mmmm. Yeah.

Every single detail on this next cake is perfection:

By Sugar Siren Cakes

See the name spelled out in the open scallops? And the itty-bitty starfish? And the string of pearls? And the delicate flower petals? PERFECTION, I say.

And finally, my favorite:

The lace molding, the graduated colors, the shells and letters placed just-so on the "sandy" cake board...simply stunning. Cakes like these make me love my job. :)

Now, everyone raise your popsicles - and here's to a great summer!

Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.

Wrecky Conga Lines

My dear bakers, I'm going to teach you how to spell "Congratulations" if it's the last thing I do. I mean it. We're going to sit down RIGHT NOW and hash this thing out, and I'm not giving up until each and every one of you can spell this word backwards, forwards, and without using a single letter "d." You hear me? I am NOT GIVING UP.

I give up.

Ok, look. How about you just abbreviate it?

Not that much.


[head on desk] No...

[in fetal position under desk] Losing...faith...in humanity...

Does...does that really say "Congris"?

Does it?

Ok, I have an idea.

[whispering in ear]

I'll take it.

Hey, Aimee T., David G., Colleen G., Lianne I., Super Happy Girl, Julie M., & Nicole V., you don't by any chance happen to have six fingers on your right hand, do you? My cookie cake was slaughtered by a six-fingered hand.

Hats Off For Grads!

Way, way, WAY off.

Seriously. I still don't see it.

Now, for the past few years this has been the gold standard for wrecked grad cap cakes:

And believe me, that is one tough standard to beat.

Still, this year's wreckerators are certainly giving it their "best" effort:

My. How...swirly.

This design brought to you by the bad guy in Fifth Element.

(10 geek points if you get that reference, and 25 if you know his name.)

And finally, my personal favorite: two cherries projectile vomiting on a picnic table:

I need an old cherry pitter, and a young cherry pitter.

A tip of the hat to wreckporters Angi C., Casey H., April P., Jennifer S., & Holly K., who find that the power of cake compels them. (Although that last one really is the pits.)

Six Ways to Celebrate Your New Engagement

- With giant yellow donuts:

Mmmm. Doooonuts.

- With "lots" and "lots" of "hearts."


- By planning ahead.

Way, way, WAY ahead.

- By stressing the importance of family:

Actually, Darth Vader fighting Luke in honor of an impending marriage is kind of awesome. Let's just hope your in-laws have a good sense of humor.

(And make sure the baby shower cake looks like this.)

- By comparing your new life together to violently killing things:

"Here we see the groom taking aim at his violently diarrheatic bride-to-be.

"Ah, young love."

(Don't worry, kids; he's only going to tranq her 'til the green diarrhea stops.)

Or, of course, there's always the old standby:

- A syrupy sweet public display of affection that'll leave your guests sick to their stomachs:

"Dude. Some of us are trying to eat over here!"

Thanks to Sandy S., Abbey A., Matthew W., Rachel C., Naomi H., & Jule Ann H., who are so syrupy sweet they should be on a stack of pancakes.

But I am not advocating cannibalism.

I'm Grad, I'm Grad, You Know It, HEEE hee!

Graduation season is upon us, which means you're going to be seeing a lot of stuff like this:

But then, I guess you see guys in sunglasses driving trucks pretty often anyway.

Still, when it comes to celebrating your graduation, not just any cake will do. We're talking years and years of educational accomplishment here! You need something special. Something momentous. Something, dare I say...groundbreaking?


(I dubbeth thee "earthcake.")

Or, for those who like things a little twisted:

The Grad Tornado.

(Get off my lawn!)

You could also go the "Wait...what?" route:

Are You Grad! Are You Grad!



Well, if all else fails, there's always the simple, heart-felt, "Congratulations":

Or, sure, something like that.

Thanks to wreckporters Tracie K., Jessica S., Shelley G., John I., & Heather W. for the education.
