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Sunday Sweets: Summer Lovin'

While it's been well over three hundred degrees in the shade here in Florida since, well, the last Ice Age, I think we've finally reached a point on the calendar where we can *all* agree it is, in fact, Summer. So...

Bring on the Summer Sweets!!

Woohoo! Beach pail cupcakes? Now THAT is what I'm talking about.
(Yes, really; they're cupcakes!)

Or how about this fun Tiki party?

Such a great grad cake.

Proper summertime attire is essential, of course:

Submitted by Beth B. and made by Art by Vanessa

Those flip-flops look pillowy soft - and delicious.

And what's summer without your favorite Hawaiian shirt?

Submitted by Maryanne S. and made by Blackmarket Bakery

Love the colors.

Of course, beachy summer cakes can be elegant, too. Just look at this gorgeous wedding cake:

By Betty's Sugar Dreams

(Even the netting is edible; it's made from flexible icing!)

Or this one:

Photo by MB3 Photography; baker unknown. Anyone recognize it?

Ack! Seahorses! I LOVE SEAHORSES. And these are gorgeous - so delicately done.

These cookies make me want to melt:

Submitted by Sarah K. and made by Nicole of Life's a Batch

And also maybe have a piña colada. On the beach. In Grand Cayman. Mmmm. Yeah.

Every single detail on this next cake is perfection:

By Sugar Siren Cakes

See the name spelled out in the open scallops? And the itty-bitty starfish? And the string of pearls? And the delicate flower petals? PERFECTION, I say.

And finally, my favorite:

The lace molding, the graduated colors, the shells and letters placed just-so on the "sandy" cake board...simply stunning. Cakes like these make me love my job. :)

Now, everyone raise your popsicles - and here's to a great summer!

Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.