Here it comes...
Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the baby shower, they went and added...
[drawn-out scream]
Ok, what's worse: the bone-white skin pallor, popped-out belly button that looks like the tied-off end of a balloon, or the fact that Thing-ette there seems to be sucking the life-force out of Octo-Mom Wraith-style?
Now, I have pudgy little Hobbit hands, so my basis of reference is off: tell me, is that hand as disproportionally gargantuan as I think it is?
Kevin V., you musht be toight like a toyger*. Schmoke and a pancake?
*Ok, so the pop-culture references got a little out of hand** in this post. Sorry.
**Get it? Out of hand? Booyah!