Apparently this cake was ordered from an upscale local bakery, but when the customer came to pick it up the order had been "misplaced". To remedy the situation, the decorator on duty - no doubt in a rush of self-sacrificing heroism - grabbed another finished order, wiped off the inscription with a paper towel, and wrote what you see.
So, on top of the big cloudy wiped-up area, the inscription is misspelled and in quotation marks. And while we're on the topic, what is with the wide-spread love affair between cake-decorators and quotation marks? Is it written on the order that way? Are they just practicing their mad piping skilz? Or do they assume everything written in icing is somehow less sincere? (I "Love" You, "Happy" Birthday, Thanks for Being Our "Dad", etc)
At any rate, let's all "Congraniate" "Nicole" and "Mark" on finding the best "customer service" in town. And guys, we mean that. "Really".