Tomorrow I will have the dubious pleasure of having the insides of my uterus cauterized. In honor of the occasion, we could take a look at the uterus in all its glory and learn from the wonders of the human body.
We could take a look at what other women order when they get their lady-bits worked on. After all, I could use a little inspiration.
(Yeah, I like option "B" better, too.)
This woman nicknamed her baby bag "Tilly", and then ordered it a farewell cake, like so:

Hm. Not a bad idea, really. Of course, coming up with just the right nickname for your internal organs can be a mixed bag - er, no pun intended. Plus, I'd have to give mine a guy's name, since I refuse to believe any female would inflict such horrors on another. So...The McCramper? Sweeney Todd? Sir-Clumps-A-Lot? I'm open to suggestions, obviously.
Elizabeth made this nifty Operation cake for her mom, who was feeling kinda down about an impending hysterectomy:

Good call, Elizabeth. Having the cake recipient collapse in a sobbing heap can be such a killjoy. Far better to take the more chipper, Pollyanna-ish route:

Here's my favorite line:
"...there will never be anything "happy" about a day in which you have to jack yourself up on Motrin and Kahlúa and lock yourself in your house just so you don't march down to the local Walgreens armed with a hunting rifle and a sketchy plan to end your life in a blaze of glory."
Ah, which of us hasn't been there, eh, ladies? Or are there right now? ("Husband!! Bring me more Kahlua!!")
Some women obviously have a better relationship with their bits than I do, though:
Now granted, I'm not having Sir-Clumps-A-Lot removed tomorrow, but that doesn't mean I'm any less apprehensive about the anesthesia and the whole, you know, cauterizing thing. So if any of you have some spare well wishes to send my way, the doctor's way, the Almighty's way, etc., I'd sure appreciate it.

Oh, and for the most realistic-looking (ie shiiiny) uterus cake yet, check out Debbie's here.
Thanks to Wreckporter Hall-of-Famer Monique R. for finding the last three.
UPDATE: For all of you asking if vasectomy cakes will be next: Been there, done that. :D